“Ross Travis’ anarchist punk flies up and down a metal pole the way most of us lean against a wall. Even after you begin to expect his oddball attacks on gravity, it’s still hard to anticipate.”

John Wilkins, KQED Arts


“Ross Travis performs his breakneck Chinese pole act as a misfit character who becomes the ultimate humanizing force. His act is a bewildering and impressive blur of surprise and athleticism. Perfectly-timed from trick to trick, Travis sculpts his moves, alternately ascending the pole and suddenly sliding down headfirst, drawing on an invisible well of strength, all the while eliciting the audience’s gasps. His character appears always on the brink of disaster, but to the relief of the audience, he forestalls it, and ultimately triumphs. (I’m still trying to figure out when Travis has time to breathe.)”

– Judy Finelli, Spectacle Magazine


“In his testament to life at sea, Bucko is poetic, using action verb-driven language we contemporary theatergoers don’t get to hear often enough. “I am no land tiller. No earth plodder. No grass trimmer. No tree pruner,” he says. “I am a water slicer. A wave climber. A sea survivor.” To accentuate the metaphors, Travis deploys his formidable circus skills. Making a Chinese pole of the ship’s mast, he carves the air with an array of appendage combinations.”

– Lily Janiak, SF Chronicle


“Thrilling feats of athletics and acrobatics that will have you at the edge of your seat.”

– Jason Broadfoot, Plank Magazine


“In between there are huge rolling hoops and fixed poles that an impossibly supple performer (Ross Travis) climbs, often using just his arms.”

– Colin Maclean, Edmonton Sun


– Abraham Dover, Picklewater Industries